Wednesday, November 9, 2016

GoodReads and Fiverr

This is the follow up from my previous post which can be found here:

GoodReads is ruining my life

In the end GoodReads got back to me within about 12 hours of the previous blogpost and it was apparently a pretty easy fix from their end. I don't think anybody saw that I had started writing bizarre gay erotica and honestly if they did I'd get over it.

They also attached the author account to my actual pen name account within another 12 hours. So basically, they do seem to work on getting back to people but they don't seem to have the resources allocated to do it immediately.

Now if I could only figure out how to get a decent cover made.

I actually drafted a short blog post about some problems that I've been having with Fiverr but never hit the publish button.

Basically, I received the covers that I had ordered but they included an image that I had uploaded as inspiration (as they directed me too) as the background for the cover. This was a pretty big problem because I don't own the rights for that image and the main reason that I'm using Fiverr is because image rights for half naked people are super expensive.

I requested a revision and the seller said that they would look into it. I sent three, two or three word reminders over the next five days (I didn't want to be too hard since I only paid five bucks) but didn't receive any word in return.

This was beginning to be a problem: I have an 18,000 word novella that I busted my but to edit so that I could get it released and I'm waiting for this cover. It was the first cover that I was going to spend money on. I figure since it is a more lengthy story than my other shorts I could invest a little but since I'm just starting out, I only have very little to invest.

I put in a (whatever) to Fiverr and the seller got back to me within six hours. They apologized and said that they must have missed it somehow. In all fairness they are a popular seller with a lot of open orders. Again, as long as I get an okay cover, I'm not going to cause a fuss. I probably won't be using that seller again but I think that they'll do okay without me.

Berliner Dom, Nacht, 160316, ako
I guess this place is in Berlin but don't read anything political into that. It was just the image on the front page of wikimedia commons today and I thought it looked nice. But man...that election, huh? 
Ansgar Koreng / , via Wikimedia Commons

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