Thursday, February 22, 2018

Compilation coming out today and Literotica

I've got a compilation that's being released today that contains several recent releases as well as one of my best selling books, "Faerie Women of the Tree City."

This one isn't in Kindle unlimited, but that's only because all of the titles are available in KDP by themselves.

I've submitted this to Amazon and I'll update this post with the link when it's live. 

I've also recently decided to start putting some stories up for free on Literotica. I'm going to try to keep all of those stories exclusively on that platform. I'll link to that as soon as my first short erotica piece is approved. If you'd like a copy of anything on Literotica, send me a note and I can get that to you in your preferred format. 

I will also be announcing a new Patreon page in the coming months. Thanks for stopping by. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

I'm back

I've started publishing regularly again. This is the place to let me know if you like any of the stories that I've written or if you want to know more than the little bit of information about the characters besides what I write in their erotic encounters. 

I actually would love to hear from anyone out there what they think about this stuff, even the negative stuff. I leave a link here so that you can check out new releases. There'll probably be another in a few days and then a collected edition of angel/monster girl stories.